The Society covers two groups of ophthalmic patients:
– Patients who are members of the Association of the Blind in Zahedan, and are referred by this institute.
Patients with glaucoma (black water) and needy.
The level of community assistance to the youth is determined by the Assistance Committee, which meets every two weeks in the administrative department of the Institute. The aforementioned individuals are divided into three groups after reviewing the case:
Group A – All services include free medication, paraclinical services, eyewear and eye surgery.
Group B pays 50% of the costs for the atmosphere and 50% pays the institution.
The C group pays 70% of the cost for the barley and 30% for the patient.
In addition, Associations for Helping People with a Case and Need (Group A)
– Every year, the basket of goods commemorates the holy month of Ramadan and Eid al-Adha in terms of financial resources and charitable donations.
– Every six months, we review the loved ones’ untreated requests and allocate urgent assistance, depending on priority and available resources.