Computer Vision Syndrome (Part II)
Environmental factors associated with the computer itself
These include the quality and type of computer display used, the color of the letters, the brightness of the background, the contrast and height of the computer and the size of the keypad with the individual limbs. It is more appropriate to use one color when typing and full contrast (black letters on white background). Special filters can be used to remove light reflection from the monitor, reduce brightness and increase visual system resolution, or use newer monitors with better quality and less radiation.
One of the main complaints of computer users is the dazzling vividness of images reflected by the light reflected on the screen. Windows, the presence of fluorescent lamps overhead, the presence of lamps in the field of vision, and desk lamps may cause discomfort. . To reduce dazzling, the monitor’s position is adjusted so that the user cannot see any reflections from the screen with glossy polished surfaces. The windows should be covered with curtains. Light sources are mounted to emit light properly. Fluorescent lamps will be installed so that they are parallel to the computer’s location. The computer monitor will be reflective and non-reflective. The keypad scarf will be opaque and the scarf keys will be at least reflective and adjustable. It should be opaque and the keys at least reflective. The presence of dust and debris in the environment is another contributing factor and can be eliminated by regular screen cleaning to remove dust that can be obstructed. The dryness of the air in the environment can cause eye sensitivity. This can be particularly frustrating for those who use contact lenses. Workplace air pollution and hypoxia accelerate the user’s fatigue. It has also been found that excessive light and high noise have the greatest effect on fatigue and decreased mental activity.
Kind of work
The type of computer work plays a role in the fatigue of the eyes. People who type are more susceptible because the eyes are constantly moving between the monitor, the keyboard and the text being read. The amount of time users spend working with computers during the day is also effective in reducing eye fatigue. It is recommended to reduce eye fatigue, especially for people who work without a computer during work time.
What to do to avoid computer vision syndrome.
Make sure your eye is healthy or take care of your eye problems with an eye exam. If you have old eyes, hyperopia or astigmatism, be sure to wear glasses when working with your computer. Of course, since the monitor is in moderate viewing range, if the glasses are intended for distant or near vision, it is not suitable for working with a computer. .
Adjust the ambient light and avoid excessive light. The work environment should not be too light or dark to cause eye fatigue. The monitor screen should be positioned so that the light or ambient light does not shine directly on it. Sit in front of the computer to check the brightness while the monitor is off. This will allow you to see reflected light and images while you do not see normal. Adjust your monitor so that the bright side lights are turned to 90 degrees relative to the screen. It’s best not to leave the screen behind the wall, but rather to position the system behind your wall to allow room. Look behind the screen.
Sit properly at your desk and face the computer.
Adjust your monitor so that the screen is positioned 50-60 cm from your eyes. You can adjust the distance of the screen about an arm’s length from your eyes. To see the small letters, make them larger and not too close to the computer. The top of the screen should be 15 to 20 degrees lower than or equal to the eye. If the screen is too high or low, it can cause low back pain. If you use dual-focus or multi-focus glasses, keep in mind that you may be inclined to bend your head backwards. So you can look at the screen from the bottom of your glasses to meet these conditions. Lower the centimeter or use glasses made to work with your computer.
Position the keyboard directly in front of the display in the proper position. If you put it in a corner, your eyes will have to focus on varying distances from the monitor screen, and it will be frustrating. Read the necessary tools and tools in a holder next to the monitor and at the same level, angle and distance from your eyes. Which is the display. This way your eyes don’t have to adjust constantly.
Tidy Up Your Desk: Tidy up your desk in a way that will keep your eyes tired.
Blink more: Since many people blink less than they should when working with a computer, they become blind when they work. Avoid staring at the screen and voluntarily blinking. It produces tears and helps to soften and moisturize the eyes. Try to deliberately blink more than usual.
If you use contact lenses and have a history of refractive surgery or have dry eyes, you have dry eye when you work with a computer, when you use a computer, your eyes become more dry: so consult an ophthalmologist with artificial tear drops ( Especially on the lens) to compensate for the lack of tears.
Give your eyes a brief massage: Massage your eyes several times a day. Put your elbows on the table so that you put your palms on your eyes and close your eyes with your fingers deep in your nose and nose. Drag. Continue this for 15 to 30 seconds.
Rest your eyes: Focus your eyes on something other than the screen while you work. Take your eyes off the monitor every 1 to 20 minutes and look at a spot for 5 to 10 seconds, which will relax the eye muscles and also give you time to blink and keep your eye area moist.
Change your location: Try to get around and move around every two hours. If possible, lean back an hour and rest your eyes for 5 minutes. Do non-computer work during this time.
It is also recommended that all people who have to sit in front of the monitor for more than 2 hours a day wear special glasses.